miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Actividad 1 Investigación

La primera actividad es investigar el uso y la función de la estructura de There is y There are. Para esto es importante que en las investigaciones que realicen citen sus referencias bibliograficas ya sean de libros o de internet. Las referencias bibliográficas  van en formato APA. Una vez realizada su primera actividad, postear en este mismo espacio. 

17 comentarios:

  1. we use "there is" and "there are" to talk about things we can see and things that exist.

    We use “there is” for singular and uncountable nouns, and we use “there are” for plural countable nouns.

    There is one table in the classroom.
    There are three chairs in the classroom.

    There is not a horse in the field.
    There are not eight children in the school.

    Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't.
    Are there any dogs in the park? - Yes, there are.

    Raymond Murphy . (2003). There is - There are English Grammar Rules. 04 February 2015, de Wood Ward English Sitio web: http://www.grammar.cl/Present/ThereIsThereAre.htm

    1. Your investigation is ok but you didn't mention the function os this structure.

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    We use the forms 'there is' and 'there are' express 'have' in English. Unlike the Spanish if no distinction between singular and plural. HOW TO FORM? We just need to keep in mind to use this structure is if we're talking singular or plural. YES: use 'there is' with when we talk in the singular. However, if we speak in plural use 'there are'.
    THERE + IS / ARE + REST OF SENTENCE There is a woman in the park. There is a woman in the park. There are two women in a cafe. There are two women in a cafe. * Remember that the singular form collapsible (Ie There's a woman in the park). The plural form can not contract. NEGATIVE: To denials deny the verb 'to be' adding the particle 'not' after the verb or the contracted form
    THERE IS NOT + / ARE NOT + REST OF SENTENCE There is a woman in the park. There is not a woman in the park. No two women in a cafe. There are not two women in a cafe. * We can find the full form 'there is not' or 'there are not', but is much more common contracted form. INTERROGATIVE: For the formation of questions need to invest the verb 'to be' and the particle 'there', as shown in the example.
    IS / ARE THERE + + REST OF SENTENCEs Is there a woman in the park? Is there a woman in the park? Are there two women in a cafe? Are there two women in a cafe?
    SHORT ANSWER: To give short answers must use the corresponding form of the verb 'to be', respecting whether singular or plural. Is there a woman in the park? Yes, there is / No, there is not Are there two women in a cafe? Yes, there are / No, there are not * We use the full form in the affirmative answers, as we use the contracted form in negative responses.
    WHAT DO I REMEMBER? The important thing to consider is the following: • Remember that the verb 'to be' in Spanish is impersonal and therefore there is no difference between singular and plural. However, English yes we distinguish between singular and plural.
    • Remember that this structure can not translate literally, so it is important to recognize to use it properly.
    • Sometimes you can see this structure with the name 'there to be' as it is used not only present but also in other times we will see later.

    • This verb is often combined with 'some' particles and 'any' to indicate quantity.

    Jonás Calcines. (2009). There is/ There are. 2014, de Bluebloc Notes Sitio web: http://www.blueblocnotes.com/grammar/present-tenses/there-is-there-are

  4. We use there is and there are to say that something exists.
    1. Use there IS for singular nouns (one item).
    2. Use there IS for non-count items(group nouns).
    3. Use there ARE for many items (plural nouns).
    There is a spider on the wall.
    There is milk on the floor.
    There are pencils on my desk.

    Kaye Mastin Mallory. (2013). There is or There are?. 2015, de English-Zone. Sitio web: http://english-zone.com/verbs/thereisare1.html

  5. The structure in English ' there is' and ' there are ' is used to express quantity. Let's see an example to understand what we refer .

    There is a woman in the park. There are two women in a cafe.


    We use the forms ' there is' and ' there are ' express ' have ' in English. Unlike the Spanish if no distinction between singular and plural .


    We just need to keep in mind to use this structure is if we're talking singular or plural .

    AFFIRMATIVE: use ' there is' with when we talk in the singular. However, if we speak in plural use ' there are ' .

    + there is / are + other sentence

    There is a woman in the park.
    There is a woman in the park .

    There are two women in a cafe.
    There are two women in a cafe.

    * Remember that the singular form collapsible (Ie There's a woman in the park ) . The plural form can not contract .
    NEGATIVE: To denials deny the verb 'to be' adding the particle 'not' after the verb or the contracted form.
    + there is not / are not + other sentence
    There is a woman in the park.
    There is not a woman in the park.
    No two women in a cafe.
    There are not two women in a cafe.
    * We can find the full form 'there is not' or 'there are not', but is much more common contracted form.
    INTERROGATIVE: For the formation of questions need to invest the verb 'to be' and the particle 'there', as shown in the example.
    is / are + there + other sentence?
    Is there a woman in the park?
    Is there a woman in the park?
    Are there two women in a cafe?
    Are there two women in a cafe?
    SHORT ANSWER: To give short answers must use the corresponding form of the verb 'to be', respecting whether singular or plural.
    Is there a woman in the park?
    Yes, there is / No, there is not
    Are there two women in a cafe?
    Yes, there are / No, there are not
    * We use the full form in the affirmative answers, as we use the contracted form in negative responses.
    The important thing to consider is the following:
    Remember that the verb 'to be' in Spanish is impersonal and therefore there is no difference between singular and plural. However, English yes we distinguish between singular and plural.
    Remember we can not literally translate this structure, so it is important to recognize to use it properly.
    Sometimes you can see this structure with the name 'there to be' as it is used not only present but also in other times we will see later.
    This verb is often combined with 'some' particles and 'any' to indicate quantity.

    John Smith. (2012). Grammar English: There is and There are. The Blueblocnotes. Web Site:

    1. Your investigation is similar to Alberto's. Next time try to post something that is already similar to yours.

  6. We can use there is and there are to explain that a person, thing or places. it’s in a specific site and to tell if its real or not.
    1) We use “there is” to talk about singular nouns.
    There is a book on the table.
    There is a man in the store.
    • Also we use it with an uncountable and countable noun
    countable singular
    There is an apple in the basket.
    Uncountable singular
    There is some tea in the pot
    2) We use “There are” to mention plural nouns.
    There are eleven students in the classroom.
    There are nine doors in the house.
    3) There is and there are in negative form: We use the verb is + not or are + not.
    There isn’t a TV in the restaurant. (Singular)
    There isn’t a park in my colony. (Singular)
    There aren’t two pictures on the wall. (Plural)
    There aren’t blackboards in the school. (Plural)
    4) To make questions: we have to change the order from the sentence of there is and there are.
    Is there a hospital on the town? (Singular)
    Are there basketball players on that school? (Plural)

    vitutor. (2012). Obtenido de http://www.vitutor.com/gramatica_inglesa/verbs/there_is.html
    Vraciu, A. (2014). ejerciciodeingles.com. Obtenido de http://www.ejerciciodeingles.com/cuando-usar-there-is-there-are/
    Vraciu, A. (s.f.). Ejercicio de ingles.com. Obtenido de http://www.ejerciciodeingles.com/cuando-usar-thereis-thereare/

    1. Your bibliography is not appropiate to APA sources. Check it.

  7. Use THERE IS and THERE ARE to say that something exists.
    Use THERE IS and THERE ARE to talk about PLACES and THINGS and PEOPLE IN PLACES:

    - THERE´S a health centre five minutes from here.
    - THERE´S a spider in the badroom!
    -THERE ARE only five students in the class today

    In negative and questions, with plurals, use THERE AREN´T/ARE THERE + ANY + NOUN:

    - There aren´t ANY TABLES
    - Are there ANY CHAIRS?

    ´s a balcony
    + there are three bedrooms

    isn´t a garden
    - there aren´t any chairs

    a TV in the Yes, is
    Is there bedroom? No, there isn´t

    two bedrooms? Yes, are
    Are there any shelves? No, there aren´t


    Steve Oakes and Frances Eales.(2011) . There is/are. 2015, by "speak out". p.134

  8. Las formas there is y there are se utilizan para presentar cosas o personas, para decir que ellas existen o están. Es la forma homóloga al “hay” usado en español.

    Con frecuencia se utilizan estas formas antes de losartículos definidos a o an y de los modificadores some oany. Por ejemplo, en inglés para decir “Hay un perro en la calle” se debe decir There is a dog in the street.

    La palabra there se acompaña, tal como puede verse, del verbo to be. Para saber cuál de las formas del verboto be utilizar en una determinada oración, is  are, se debe prestar atención al objeto del que se está hablando. Así, si el objeto es singular se utiliza is; si es plural, are. Siguiendo con el ejemplo, se dice: There is a dog in the street para hablar de un solo perro, pero si los perros fueran tres, la estructura cambia: There are three dogs in the street.

    Pero además se debe tener en cuenta que si se trata desustantivos incontables, siempre se utiliza la forma en singular (there is). Así, se dice There is some water, puesto que el agua es un sustantivo incontable para el idioma inglés. Esto también es válido para esta estructura en pasado.
    Bibliography: Elisa Morales. (2013). 'There is' y 'there are' en inglés: uso y reglas obtenidp de

    1. Your source is not appropiate to APA's way. Check it.

  9. There be (Haber)

    Utilizamos "there + be" (hay) para hablar sobre la existencia de algo. "There + be" se puede expresar en todos los tiempos verbales, pero a diferencia del español, en inglés conjugamos este verbo si el nombre que va después está en plural o en singular y si es contable o incontable.


    Se utiliza "there is" con nombres contables en singular y con incontables. Hay una forma corta: "there's".



    There is a pencil. (Hay un lápiz.)

    There's one car. (Hay un coche.)

    There is not an apple. (No hay una manzana.)

    Is there a pen? (¿Hay un bolígrafo?)


    There is milk. (Hay leche.)

    There is not time. (No hay tiempo.)

    Is there sugar? (¿Hay azucar?)

    Se utiliza "there are" sólo con nombres contables en plural. No hay una forma corta.


    There are five pencils. (Hay cinco lápices.)

    There are not two cars. (No hay dos coches.)

    Are there many people? (¿Hay mucha gente?)

    Nota: Hay algunos tiempos verbales en los que no conjugamos "there be" para indicar plural o singular, contable o incontable. Estos tiempos verbales son el futuro ("will"), el pasado perfecto y con los verbos modales (ver las lecciones relacionadas con estos tiempos para más información).

    SOK Internet S.L. [en línea]: documenting electronic sources on the Internet.2004 fecha de consulta:14/04/2015 Disponible en:http://www.curso-ingles.com/varios/datoslegales.php

  10. We use there is and there are to say that something exists.

    Positive Sentences
    We use there is for singular and there are for plural.

    There is one table in the classroom.
    There are three chairs in the classroom.
    There is a spider in the bath.
    There are many people at the bus stop.

    The contraction of there is is there's.

    There's a good song on the radio.
    There's only one chocolate left in the box.
    You cannot contract there are.

    There are nine cats on the roof.
    There are only five weeks until Christmas.

    Negative Form
    The negative is formed by putting not after is or are:

    There is not a horse in the field.
    There are not eight children in the school.
    There is not a tree in the garden.
    There are not two elephants in the zoo.
    The Negative contractions are:

    There's not = There isn't

    There are not = There aren't

    There Are with ANY
    When we want to indicate that a zero quantity of something exists we use there aren't any.

    There aren't any people at the party.
    There aren't any trees in my street.
    We also use this structure with uncountable nouns:

    There isn't any water in the swimming pool.
    There isn't any sugar in my coffee.

    To form a question we place is / are in front of there.

    Again we use any with plural questions or those which use uncountable nouns.

    We also use there is / are in short answers.

    Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't.
    Are there any dogs in the park? - Yes, there are.
    Is there a security guard in the shop? - Yes, there is.
    Are there any polar bears in Antarctica? - No, there aren't.
    Is there any ice-cream in the freezer? - Yes, there is.

    How Many with Are There
    If we want to find out the number of objects that exist we use How many in the following form:

    How many + plural noun + are there (+ complement).

    How many dogs are there in the park?
    How many students are there in your class?
    How many countries are there in South America?
    How many Star Wars films are there?
